Outlook is an email client which allows you to read email from various email servers. Eg Gmail, hotmail yahoo or company email address.
It offers you a unified interface to read, reply and send email instead of logging into each email service provider to do so.
And occasionally you will need to remove email accounts from outlook. For instance, you do not require the previous email address or you could have left your company.
Learn how to easily removed unneeded email accounts from outlook in 6 mouse clicks.
- Click on the outlook program to launch outlook. (1st Click)
- Once outlook has opened up, look at the top left, and Click on “File” (2nd Click) (Refer to Image)
- Once u clicked on “File” Another image will appear. From there, select “Account Settings” > “Account Settings” (3rd and 4th Click)
- Another window should appear. Which shows you the email address(es) in your existing outlook profile under the “Email” Tab
outlook account settings email address - Click on the email which you wish to remove and it will be highlighted (5th Click)
- Click on the “Remove” button (6th Click) and your email address will be deleted from your existing outlook profile.
- Repeat to remove the rest of the unneeded email address if required.