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Fix User Profile Service Service Failed The Logon Windows 7 Cannot be Loaded

While using windows 7, user profile service failed the logon, user profile cannot be loaded is a uncommon issue.

It doesnt happen too frequently, but from time to time, it does appears. Sometime after a windows update. Or installation of programs, and it happened after a system restart when you attempt to login to your user account.

Here is a quick how to guide to get your data back if you encounter this user profile cannot be loaded issue.


Method 1 to fix user profile service failed the logon error – Restart System

This is the easiest. However, most of the time it doesnt work, if it does, you will not have come to this page.


Method 2 to solve user profile service failed the logon error – Create new user account

If you have another user account to use, login to that and proceed to create a new user account.

  1. Open up “Control Panel”
  2. Click on “User Accounts
  3. And Select “Create a new account” (image below). If it prompts you for an administrator login credential, try to key in an admin credential or your previous account (username and password) details
  4. After clicking. the user account name and account type option should appear. Select “Administrator” instead of “Standard user” for now and give this new account a new name. And create.
  5. Once done, logout of the PC and login via the newly created user account and you have solve the issue where the previous user profile cannot be loaded problem.
  6. To get the data back from the previously corrupted account, skip to the end of this article.


Method 3 to solve user profile cannot be loaded issue

If you do not have another account to login to then you will need to create a new user account. The only remaining method will be to create a new user account via command prompt.

  1. Restart the PC
  2. When the PC is starting, before the windows 7 logo appears, keep spamming F8, and you should see the follow option.
  3. Select “Safe Mode with Command Prompt“, it should start to load, once loading is done, you should see the login screen account. Proceed to login with your faulty user account which cannot be loaded.
  4. This time, you should be able to login and have a black window called “command prompt” should appear.
  5. type in “net user administrator Password123 /active:yes” (without the quotes) and press the “Enter” on keyboard
  6. This unlocks the hidden Administrator account in the system with a password, “Password123” (Capital P). You may change it by replacing the Password123 with your desired password.
  7. After which type “shutdown /r /t 5“. This is a command to restart the PC in 5s.
  8. After the restart, you will notice a new user account called “Administrator”. Login from there and you should be able to reach desktop.

** It is recommended to create one more user account with admin rights, and disable this hidden Administrator user account. In the event where a similar scenario occurs, you will be able to login with this hidden account. Follow Method 2 to create a new user account in windows 7.

Final steps to after solving “user profile service service failed the logon” error,

will be to get back the data from the corrupted account.

    1. Once you login to the newly created account, Open up “My Computer” Or Open up the “Windows Explorer” at the taskbar.
    2. Navigate to C:\Users\, from there, you should be able to see a folders named as your user account. Double click on the “Corrupted Account“.
    3. You might see this error, “You don’y currently have permission to access this folder. Click Continue to get access to this folder”. Click continue and wait, you might see moving green bar at the address bar area. (image below)
    4. Allow it to run finish, once it finishes, you should be able to see the folders, such as desktop, documents, pictures, etc. If the green bar disappear, double click on the faulty user account again.
    5. Copy them, and paste them onto your current desktop.
    6. Once copied, check thru the folders to ensure that your important data has been extracted.

Once all the data is extracted, you may then proceed to delete the old user account to free up space in the windows computer. And this concludes the problem where the user profile service service failed the logon problem.


Dell has a similar guide to solve this user profile service failed the logon problem too.




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