My friend has recently upgraded to windows 8.1 from windows 8 on his acer iconia w700 touchscreen laptop.
What he noticed was that, the mouse jitters, watching youtube videos skip frames and system becomes unresponsive from time to time.
Even opening a single word document on his acer iconia notebook took much longer time than on windows 8.
He tried contacting support, but the next better alternative, as usual, offered was to reinstall the system, which will be an easy fix, but one that will wipe out all his system settings, programs and he does not wish to to that.
I did a quick google and notice that the slowdown on iconia laptop is relatively common for users who upgraded to windows 8.1
There is even a dedicated thread in microsoft forum to this issue.
And the solution is not as complex as though. And no reinstallation is required 🙂
The solution to acer iconia laptop slow down, unresponsive after upgrading to windows 8.1,
help as follows.
Go to CONTROL PANEL >> Power Option > Change Plan
Settings (according to the current power plan) > Change advanced power settings > Intel Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework Settings
And disable the low power setting on both battery and plug in. Use image above as reference.
once that is done, you might suddenly find that your system is a lot more responsive!
If u cant find your control panel in your windows 8.1, press the windows logo button together with S button at the same time (Win Key + S)
Learn more about windows shortcut keys here
A search feature will appear on the right, type in “power options” and proceed from the instructions above.