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How to Solve No Display on Computer Monitor

This guide will assist you to troubleshoot to solve no display on computer monitor issue. Which when you power the computer on, the monitor screen does not have any display or response.

Here are various points to look for.

This troubleshooting guide is suitable if your desktop or laptop system is able to power on, with fan(s) spinning and power indicator led lits up, but monitor doesnt seems to have a display on monitor.

How it works:  A monitor require display signal, from a source machine, for it to display images. Else most of the time, the monitor will be in sleep mode to conserve electricity.

The source machine could be your desktop or your laptop which outputs its image to the monitor.

The troubleshooting steps below ensure that we have check

before attempting to conclude that it is either a hardware issue with either of the device.


Ensure Monitor is not Power Off

Ensure that your monitor is receiving power. Most monitors generally has an LED lit up (solid, not blinking) if they are power on. Position of the monitor LED indicator varies. Could be at the bottom or the front.

LED indicator on the front side of monitor

If you didnt notice at LED indicator, try to press the power button again and wait for 5s. LED indicators can be of any color, blue, green, yellow. If there is still no display on monitor, try again and wait for another 5s.

** By pressing the power button, we might turned it off if it was switched on. By pressing the 2nd time, we will definitely have turned it on again.

If there is no LED, continue on. If there is LED indicator, skip to Manufacturer’s Logo

** Power buttons could be anywhere physically on the monitor. Generally, most monitor’s power button is located somewhere on the centre or bottom right, either the front, side or back. For some monitor models, the power button could be a touch sensor, not necessary a button.


Physical Power Cable Connection

Try to ensure that the power cable to the monitor is secured. Pull out from the monitor’s and wall socket’s end and push them firmly back again. If its not working after reconnection, try to change a new power cable and to switch to a different wall socket.

If it doesnt work when you change the new power cable and to another wall power socket, the monitor could be faulty.

If it powers on, continue on.


Manufacturer’s Logo

All manufacturers subtly advertise their own branding. In case you didn’t notice, all monitors during the initial phrase of powering on, will show their own corporate logo. For instance, mine is a LG monitor, and it shows the following when i powered it on.

monitor LG logo when powered on

Whenever i see this logo, when i power on my monitor, my power indicator LED will lit up (as above) i know that this monitor is still working.

If you didnt see any manufacturer’s logo or LED indicator, it might means your monitor is faulty.

If you have the manufacturer’s logo, carry on.


Blinking or Orange Power Indicator LED on monitor

The appearance of the manfacturer’s logo only informed us that the monitor is able to power on normally. It doesnt inform us whether if its receiving a signal normally.

At this time, check the monitor power indicator led again. Did it turns from a solid color, to a blinking color? Or did it turn to another color? Eg from solid blue to solid orange?

If so, the source system (either desktop or laptop giving the monitor signal) might be “sleeping”. Try to wiggle and click the mouse, press on the space bar on the keyboard and wait for 10s. If signal doesn’t appear, carry on.


Auto Switching of Input between HDMI, DisplayPort, DVI, VGA or “NO SIGNAL” Message

Monitor auto switch inputs

This is an continuation of the above troubleshooting.

Does a similar message appears? If yes, it is due to the monitor’s auto search feature to find input signals going into the monitor. It might attempt to scan thru all the video input ports it has to locate incoming video signal to display image on monitor.

Else attempt to locate the physical buttons or touch sensors on the monitor. Locate one button which allows you to manually select the display input.  Eg, on another of my monitor, pressing one of the buttons allow me to choose which input source to choose from.

If you are still not able to have a display image on the screen, despite that you have

There are not much steps to try now. 2 final steps to try before attempting to call it a day.


Try to check and change the Physical Input Port.

Check the back or bottom of your monitor, you should be able to see an image where 2 cable goes in.

At the back of my monitor, i have 2 cables going in. One is obviously the power cable and the other is the input cable. From the above image, my input connection uses HDMI connection. Since hdmi is not giving me a display, i will need to try to use the VGA port to do so.

Obviously, i will need to connect find a VGA cable. Connect one end to my monitor, and the other end to PC computer or laptop.

Dont forget to change the display input source to VGA (in my scenario) as well if your monitor doesn’t come with auto switching.

If it works, this is a rare scenario where one input is faulty.

However, if there is still no input, it is likely a case of hardware issue. Which could be due to a damaged monitor, or the source machine, which is your desktop or laptop.


Last 2 Possible Scenarios!

Scenario A – Assumption: Monitor is faulty.

How to test?

Try to use another monitor and connect to your desktop or laptop, if it works, Great! We manage to find pinpoint the issue and solve the no display on computer monitor issue!.

In this scenrio, buy a new monitor. Generally it is more value for money to buy purchase a new one. (Take note, i didnt say cheaper, i say more value for money)


Scenario B – Assumption: System is having problem! (Worst Scenario)

How to test?

Connect another monitor to this system. If there is still no output, it could be an issue where the desktop / laptop is not able to send image to the monitor.

Lastly, connect the original monitor to another system, such as laptop or desktop. If it manage to get a display on the screen, it affirms that your system has issue.

Troubleshooting of the system will be for another day.


Hopefully this guide is able to assist to your “solve no display on PC monitor”  issue.

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